Strategic Planning


To ensure the strategic goals and priorities of MCC's Vision 2030 are achieved, MCC will establish institutional objectives as strategic guides to Focus on the Future. MCC will review and update the institutional objectives every three years to ensure the institution is Focusing on the Future while keeping current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges in mind. Updates to the institutional objectives and metrics to track progress towards the objectives and plan achievements will be recommended by a task force of campus employees for approval by the Leadership Team and Board of Trustees.

The approved institutional objectives and metrics will be made public through three addendums found on the right side navigation when available; Addendum 1. 2019-2022 Institutional Objectives, Addendum 2.  2022-2025 Institutional Objectives, and Addendum 3. 2025-2029 Institutional Objectives.

Additionally, the Leadership Team will develop Annual Priorities based on the institutional objectives to ensure the objectives are met and to provide specific areas of focus for the next academic year. The Annual Priorities will be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to the start of each academic year, and can be found on the right side navigation.